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Our Experiment in understanding Mechanical + Electronic + Programmable Generative Graphic Art

Social objectives –
Critically analysis of the role of mathematical/ machine/ code generated graphic art in the future.

Technical objective –
Using object tracking and physical interactions using slum tech tools to simulate machine generated graphic design.

Concept –
Explore the exploitation of machine programming based design, and man’s insatiable hunger for multi-tasking in the arena of graphic art.

As a part of the interactive installations workshop we recreated motor movements of a graphic artist’s tools using calibrated object tracking.
A toy performs the functions of a graphic artist albeit in a random manner.
Only on critical analysis will a viewer realize – it is art though devoid of feelings and ability to evoke feelings.

Process –
The LEDs were mounted on top of a toy horse carriage. Tracked using a standard USB web-camera.

The multi purpose tool – vvvv – was used to program the interaction, and track the 4.5watt LEDs.

By adjusting parameters and dynamically assigned function triggers in VVVV – we mapped various graphic art operations to the movements of the tool.

Thus re-creating an extension of the artists’ tool and it’s functions in an emotion devoid 3d space


I have hated mice, all my life, actually since i started using the computer.

I’ve struggled with the lame need for key boards and mice. Thanks

Apple, but enough! I see i was a few decades ahead.

But finally… 2D/ 3d product design interfaces are coming with motion detection.

Intuitive motion interaction is taking the world and

user interfaces by storm. I have seen many motion interfaces but this is sweet.

Move your hands, head, or feet and play your music using FluidTunes.

What’s better – it’s freeware. Move to the music – download.